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Classroom Laser Hair Removal


Summary: Laser Hair Removal is an advanced and reliable long-term solution for removing unwanted body hairs. This course is ideal for beauty therapists, nurses and doctors wanting to widen their prospects and work with Laser/Ipl. During this training course students will work through theory, go through the process of Laser Hair Removal, watch live demonstrations, have the opportunity to practise on models, discuss how to remain compliant. Course duration: Theory completed at your own pace as home study online. Practical session: Half a day Accreditation: ABT What will the course cover? History of light and energy devices Properties of laser light Health and safety Appearance of the therapist Skin structure Skin analysis Hair growth Consultations and patch test Fitzpatrick scale Contraindications Sterilisation and disinfection Licenses Insurance Aftercare Demonstration Student practical session and assessment Pre - entry requirements: Nationally recognised level 3 in Beauty. Suitable for Doctors or nurses. Core of knowledge is mandatory.





Contact us: 07528169944
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