Fat Freeze is a non-invasive fat removing treatment. This accredited course is designed to provide you with the skills to safely perform Fat Freeze. Students will learn how to use minus temperatures on areas such as the abdomen, thighs and bingo wings to reduce fatty tissue with the use of a suction machine. What will the course cover? Health and safety Sterilisation and disinfection The appearance of the therapist Ergonomics About Fat Freeze Anatomy of fat White and brown adipocytes Cellulite How fat cells divide How a fat cell dies The lymphatic system How cryolipolysis works Client selection Setting up your machine Client consultation Client consultation form Risks of treatment Pre-treatment advice Contra-indications to treatment Treatment protocol Contra-actions to treatment After care advice Pre entry requirements: Level 3 qualification in Beauty Therapy. Anatomy and Physiology or medical qualification. Accreditation: Centre Of CPD Excellence